Our Services

A full Marketing-as-a-Service offering to meet your budget, timelines and business objectives.

Strategic Marketing

By analyzing your product or service and your business objectives, we can help you build a plan covering:

  • Market segmentation

  • SWOT analysis

  • Business model (direct/indirect)

  • Content roadmap

  • Competitive benchmarking

  • Sales enablement

Sales Enablement

People buy from people, that makes it critical to have your sales force properly trained and with key resources to assist them in highlighting the value of your products and services.

This includes:

  • Sales training/certification courses

  • Product demonstrations (recorded videos or scrips for live performance)

  • Competitive battle cards

  • Sales playbooks

Content Creation

Good content keeps your audience engage, but finding the perfect balance between thought leadership and sales pitch is complex. Our experts have decades of experience building top notch content:

  • Product/solution briefs and presentations

  • White papers and E-books

  • Blogs and Webinars

  • Video tutorials and demonstrations

  • Product videos

  • White label marketing collateral

Channel Enablement

When selling indirect, your company needs to create content for two audiences: the channel sales team and the channel customers.

Our team is well versed in the production of different content streams adapted to the right audience and white label marketing collateral that allows your channel to resell with their own brand and product names.

Branding Toolkit

Our team of designers can help you refresh your brand look by implementing a branding toolkit including:

  • Brand identity guides

  • Branded templates for presentations, briefs, white papers, ebooks, email campaigns, newsletters, business cards…

  • Brand compliant image and icon libraries

Digital Marketing

Activate key touch points and engage with your customers over email and social media, improve your website visibility. Our digital marketing team can help you create automated workflows (e.g., using HubSpot) that deliver useful content and result in actions that close a sale or put customers in the pipeline:

  • Newsletters

  • Promotions

  • Service satisfaction surveys

  • Follow-ups and reminders

  • Advertising

  • SEO

Because we provide a wide array of marketing services, our approach always starts with a free consultation to understand your business goals, budget and timelines, and prepare a proposal that meets all your needs.

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